Cross Chain Institutional Yield Protocol

Start staking your treasury compliantly with 100% KYCed Smart Contract interactions.

Our Client Base

Access new liquidity management options and asset optimization.

Preserve wealth and enhance returns across generations with liquid staking.

Diversify portfolios and optimize yields with liquid staking.

Increase asset flexibility and potential alpha generation through liquid staking.

Enhanced trading experience with advanced trading options.

Grow volume by
offering liquid staking services.
Securely manage liquid staking
assets for clients.
Diversify portfolios
with liquid staking options.

Liquid. Transparent. Non-Custodial


Structured products offer robust downside protection while adhering to stringent regional regulations.

Compliant and

Regular KYC/AML checks ensure utmost security and compliance for all network participants.

Non-Custodial Approach

Withdrawal keys stored securely in smart contracts, giving users sole access and ownership.


Controlled access with KYC, slashing, and smart contract insurance ensures security.

Exchange ETH for clETH instantly, converting staked assets into liquidity. Easily swap back to ETH when unstaking.


Role Based Access Control

RBAC system offers precise asset control via predefined roles, guaranteeing regulatory adherence and enhanced security.

By Numbers

Our Track Records


Protocol Tie Ups


Rewards Generated


Supported Chains

Why consider Liquid Staking?

Receive liquid tokens in exchange for your staked tokens and generate an additional yields of up to 15%.

Ethereum Staking Milestone

25% of ETH supply is now staked on the network, marking a significant milestone in Ethereum’s staking ecosystem.

Long Forecast Ethereum Price Predictions

Optimistic projections by Long Forecast anticipate ETH reaching $5,038 by 2024 end, with prices expected to start 2025 at $5,171 and close the year at $5,493.

Flexibility in Staking

Liquid staking offers investors the ability to stake tokens, earn rewards, and maintain asset liquidity, appealing to those seeking flexibility in asset usage without long lock-up periods.

Regulatory Clarity

Pivotal for institutional adoption of liquid staking, clear guidelines provide confidence for participation and ensure regulatory adherence.

Why consider Liquid Staking?

Receive liquid tokens in exchange for your staked tokens and generate an additional yields of up to 15%.

Ethereum Staking Milestone

25% of ETH supply is now staked on the network, marking a significant milestone in Ethereum’s staking ecosystem.

Long Forecast Ethereum Price Predictions

Optimistic projections by Long Forecast anticipate ETH reaching $5,038 by 2024 end, with prices expected to start 2025 at $5,171 and close the year at $5,493.

Flexibility in Staking

Liquid staking offers investors the ability to stake tokens, earn rewards, and maintain asset liquidity, appealing to those seeking flexibility in asset usage without long lock-up periods.

Regulatory Clarity

Pivotal for institutional adoption of liquid staking, clear guidelines provide confidence for participation and ensure regulatory adherence.


Empowering institutional investors with cutting-edge blockchain solutions.





Mazimize your Returns Now!

Learn more on, "How To Start Staking?"

Returns On Digital Assets

Digital Assets
Asset Upside (1Y)
Dexponent Liquid Staking Returns
CeFi Competitors Returns
DeFi Competitors Returns
Blue chip, low risk, steady returns
4.1% APY
3.1% APY
3.8% APY
Rapidly growing AI network
25% APY

Our Growing Ecosystem Of Supporters

News & Insights

Learn & Educate yourself about Defi, Liquid Staking and Investment Strategies.
Liquid Staking

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Frequently Asked Questions

Liquid staking involves staking digital assets while retaining their liquidity, allowing for trading or use in other financial activities.

Dexponent prioritizse global compliance with rigorous KYC and AML checks, offering a regulated entry point for institutions. Structured products with robust downside protection and transparent fund traceability minimize legal risks.

Liquid staking provides investors with access to new liquidity management options, asset optimization, wealth preservation, enhanced returns, increased asset flexibility, and potential alpha generation.

Dexponent employs a non-custodial approach, with withdrawal keys stored securely in smart contracts, ensuring sole access and ownership. Compliance measures, controlled access, and smart contract insurance minimize risks.

Wiith instant liquidity features,one can exchange staked assets for liquid tokens (e.g., clETH) instantly, allowing for easy swapping back to the original asset when unstaking.

Institutions can leverage liquid staking to earn continuous rewards and receive liquid tokens in exchange for staked tokens. They can also borrow against staked assets, swap tokens seamlessly, engage in peer-to-peer swaps, and optimize yields by restaking.

Dexponent offers liquid staking supremacy with compliance checks, non-custodial security solutions, instant redemption, and a reliable gateway for accessing digital assets while complying with local and global regulations..

Yes, liquid staking platforms provide clear traceability, enabling institutions to track fund movements transparently, minimize legal risks, and ensure easy traceability.

Compliant Institutional Liquid Staking 

Start staking your treasury compliantly with
100% KYCed Smart Contract interactions.


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